40 Years Each week this year we will be releasing a video to highlight... Watch the newest video!

Youth Ministry

Teaching meetings, small groups, ministry opportunities, activities, socials & an annual Youth Camp

Cross Culture

In our desire to support the families of youth, we have created Cross Culture, a youth ministry.

We aim to foster discipleship in parents and youth, between youth, and across generations. We gather in monthly teaching meetings, small groups, and a couple annual retreats. 

We are excited about what God is already doing and will yet do in and through our youth ministry. We would love to see you and your family visit Cross Culture.

Youth Events

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Bible Studies

  • Personal study. There are many great resources for personal Bible Study. Here are some of our favorites. If you would like more help finding a study right for you, contact us and we would be happy to help
  • One to One Bible Reading
  • Resources from Matthias Media 
  • Bible Project videos
  • Group studies: We often have bible studies for both guys and girls. If you are interested in learning more and possibly joining a group let us know.

Tuesday Truth

Every other tuesday we go through a passage of Scripture and Leo speaks about the truth from God's Word.

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Youth Camp

YouthCamp is four days and three nights packed full to the brim with fun, games, team building, passionate worship and preaching from God’s word.

We pull away to seek God, receive wonderful teaching and build new friendships together. Camp is open to teens in 7th – 12th grade for the 22/23 school year and their parents.  

Have questions?

If you have further questions concerning our Cross Culture experience or visiting Covenant Fellowship with your youth, simply click the button below and get in touch with us!
