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Pro-Life Ministry

Be a voice for the unborn

Pro-Life Ministry

Scripture testifies to the value and dignity of every human life, from conception to natural death. The Pro-Life team at Covenant Fellowship exists to mobilize the church to:

  • Stand for the rights of the unborn
  • Care for women who are facing unplanned pregnancies
  • Support children and parents in making the choice for life 
  • And to bring the comfort of Jesus Christ and the saving power of the Gospel to women and men whose lives have been touched by abortion 

It is important that we understand the history and tragedy of abortion in the U.S. Since the

1973 landmark Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade, the Fourteenth Amendment’s "right to privacy" was extended to a woman's right to have an abortion. In effect, it ruled against the personhood of the unborn and since that time approximately 60 million children have been legally aborted in our country. To put this in perspective, that’s well over 3,000 human lives terminated every day. 

In the Bible, God reveals his heart for the oppressed and helpless. It is our responsibility to be a voice for the voiceless and defend the weak – the unborn who are threatened by abortion. We are called to reach out to women and men who feel that abortion is their only option when facing an unplanned pregnancy. And, we have the opportunity to share the message of forgiveness and healing through Jesus, to those who carry the weight of their past decisions. 

If you have a heart for the unborn and their families and if you are interested in learning more about how to promote and get involved in pro life events within Covenant Fellowship Church and the local community, please consider joining us at our upcoming events.

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