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Passion Week 2023 // Wednesday


1 John 2:2

He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world.

When was the last time you meditated on God's wrath, and it made you love him more?

God's wrath for sin is not like our anger. It is not flippant or disproportionate. It is not cruel or evil. It is perfectly just. Yet, God's wrath is also stronger than ours. Unbending in punishment. Vehement in vengeance. Unending in duration. We've never felt a level of injustice that would sustain us to punish someone forever. God has.

And yet, all of this unbending judgment and vehement vengeance—the unending fire of God’s wrath—all of this was fully satisfied on the cross for believers! This morning, behold the wrath quenching cross and lift your voice to sing a new song of praise,

My God, why would you shed your blood? So pure and undefiled?

To make a wretched one like me, your chosen precious child?

Well might the son in darkness hide, and shut his glories in.

When Christ the mighty maker died, for man the creature's sin.

Thus might I hide my blushing face, while his dear cross appears.

Dissolve my heart in thankfulness, and melt me eyes to tears!"

(Charles Wesley)


Come O Sinner, Sovereign Grace Music