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Mercy & Outreach

Providing the hope of the Gospel

Care for Widows

Serve those who have been widowed in our church family. 

Cancer Support Group

Care for those who have or are currently experiencing cancer.

Celebrate Recovery

Offering hope and guidance while leading others through the recovery journey. 

Divorce Care

Come alongside those experiencing the pain of separation or divorce.


Lead through the Bridge Course, chapel service with those who are in Gaudenzia Treatment Center.

Global Missions

Participate in prayer and outreach to other peoples and nations.


Care for those who are experiencing their most difficult losses.

Hospital Visitation

Visit and care for those in the hospital, both short-term and long-term.

Juvenile Detention

Offer the hope of the gospel to inmates.

Nursing Home

Visit local nursing homes and provide times of worship and fellowship for elderly residents.


Offer the hope of the gospel to inmates through Sunday evening services.


Help mobilize the church to: stand for the rights of the unborn, care for women who are facing unplanned pregnancies, support children and parents in making the choice for life, and to bring the comfort of Jesus Christ and the saving power of the Gospel to women and men whose lives have been touched by abortion. 

Second Sunday

Participate in various outreaches at our monthly afternoon of service, mercy and evangelism.

Special Needs

Minister to those with special needs from surrounding special care homes.

Sunday Breakfast Mission

Organizing and distribute food donations to those who are in need.

The Bridge Course

Serve participants of the Bridge Course through hospitality, childcare and small group leadership.
